All right people after sorting out the emotional relationship love issues now lets come face to face in solving something practical The question that eludes us all from the moment we get outta class 12th till we untill end up working for some organisation ...where we are either not so happy or we ultimately change our definition of happiness and adjust with the circumstances.
1. The first thing u need to know is.... WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB and i am not talking here in vague terms like a job where i get good package and good boss and good colleagues blah blah blah....NO
Here i mean that what u are really gud at and u wud love doing it even if nobody paid you for it.Now u cud say thats a really wierd and stupid approach how can that be possible...well all i love doing is playing games or just talking to my friends or just shopping or just painting or reading or hellotta stuff that is not relevant at all with job
But trust me my friends it all is very relevant because what u really enjoy doing u become passionate about it and what my personal favourite line tells me is :
1. The first thing u need to know is.... WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB and i am not talking here in vague terms like a job where i get good package and good boss and good colleagues blah blah blah....NO
Here i mean that what u are really gud at and u wud love doing it even if nobody paid you for it.Now u cud say thats a really wierd and stupid approach how can that be possible...well all i love doing is playing games or just talking to my friends or just shopping or just painting or reading or hellotta stuff that is not relevant at all with job
But trust me my friends it all is very relevant because what u really enjoy doing u become passionate about it and what my personal favourite line tells me is :
now if u see some examples
1. Oprah Winfrey loved talking and from her passion of talking she has made a fortune not only for herself but influenced a lot of lives around her.
now if u see some examples
1. Oprah Winfrey loved talking and from her passion of talking she has made a fortune not only for herself but influenced a lot of lives around her.
2. Jigar Shah enjoyed gaming and his passion made him one of the biggest and most unbeatable gamer of india today and since then money is just flowing to him through tournaments and online facilities.
3. Doraian Maye's passion was shopping shopping and shopping...her fine taste of style and fashion and of course her passion for shopping made her today one of the world's finest hired shopper and from her passion she makes on an average 150 $ / hour just to help people choose the right stuff from the right shop.
Needless to mention other passionate people in the list like :
Shahrukh khan passionate about acting
Shahrukh khan passionate about acting
Tiger Woods passionate about golf
M.F. Hussain passionate about painting
Larry Stone passionate about wine tasting
Kamalika Guha making millions with her passion for eating choclates .
and u all know that the names in the above list dnt need an introduction ...what they did was just followed their bliss and ultimately their bliss followed them and blessed them with not only money and all the good things in life but also an innate satisfaction of loving and living their life at its grandest version.
So the first thing to understand is what is your natural talent,what is that one thing that u can do even if nobody paid u for it even if u dint get anything materialistic out of it because u enjoy doing it so much that u dnt really care what the consequences are.
Secondly start looking out for people who are already doing it , organisations that already hire such talent and most important start doing it on whatever levels and resources you have look at it like thisif i had all the time and all the resources in the world then what would i be doing right now and how would i be doing it?and then do all the things u can right now with all the resources u have and the other resources will start appearing infront of you just by the sheer will and passion of your commitment to your bliss.
Forget everything else but that one thing you love doing and always see yourself doing it and your subconscious will automatically make u think of certain ways of getting to it. for example if there is a certain organisation u want to work in ,a job u just love ,u just want that job . so find out everything about that comapnay from the internet or whatever sources u can stumble upon write them mails expressing your passion of working with them stating how your passion can actually be beneficial for their organisation.Even if u dnt get response on the first 15 - 20 mails u sent them ..dnt get dissapointed infact even strenthen ur faith that this job is now one mail closer to me ,feel the feelings of finally holding that offer letter in your hand. Keep mailing them till you hear from them if you dnt get any response search linkedin facebook orkut myspace any damn thing that takes to be in touch with some one in the organisation move ahead with full passion and faith that if u want it u already have it.
If you get a chance to be finally interviwed and by some reason u dnt get selected dnt take the rejection personally instead tell them that sir/ma'am please give me a feedback on what areas i need to improve so that the next time i apply i might come out stronger , your very statement of having so much of passion to work with them and not taking this rejection as the end will make them weak and force them to hire you ....dnt give up till u get it.
So the first thing to understand is what is your natural talent,what is that one thing that u can do even if nobody paid u for it even if u dint get anything materialistic out of it because u enjoy doing it so much that u dnt really care what the consequences are.
Secondly start looking out for people who are already doing it , organisations that already hire such talent and most important start doing it on whatever levels and resources you have look at it like thisif i had all the time and all the resources in the world then what would i be doing right now and how would i be doing it?and then do all the things u can right now with all the resources u have and the other resources will start appearing infront of you just by the sheer will and passion of your commitment to your bliss.
Forget everything else but that one thing you love doing and always see yourself doing it and your subconscious will automatically make u think of certain ways of getting to it. for example if there is a certain organisation u want to work in ,a job u just love ,u just want that job . so find out everything about that comapnay from the internet or whatever sources u can stumble upon write them mails expressing your passion of working with them stating how your passion can actually be beneficial for their organisation.Even if u dnt get response on the first 15 - 20 mails u sent them ..dnt get dissapointed infact even strenthen ur faith that this job is now one mail closer to me ,feel the feelings of finally holding that offer letter in your hand. Keep mailing them till you hear from them if you dnt get any response search linkedin facebook orkut myspace any damn thing that takes to be in touch with some one in the organisation move ahead with full passion and faith that if u want it u already have it.
If you get a chance to be finally interviwed and by some reason u dnt get selected dnt take the rejection personally instead tell them that sir/ma'am please give me a feedback on what areas i need to improve so that the next time i apply i might come out stronger , your very statement of having so much of passion to work with them and not taking this rejection as the end will make them weak and force them to hire you ....dnt give up till u get it.
Remember that Alexander Graham Bell's invention THE TELEPHONE was rejected hundreds of times by small as well as big companies like AT&T but when a comapny said NO he smiled and said NEXT , his propsal was rejected as the comapnies thought that its an interesting invention but who would use it...hahah dnt u feel like laughing at it now because can we even imagine our lives without telephone or our cell phones now. But if he would have given up on some 100 rejections would u be talking to ur gf/bf at night on ur mobile?[;)][:P].
Keep visualising for several times in the day that you are already working in that comapany enjoying your tea breaks giving your best performance and are getting appreciated for each and every thing you do.everyone around u just loves to have u around them you share an amzing chemistry in your office and then feel the feelings of that happiness and thank god for granting you this complete happiness in this moment .Trust me this experience with practice becomes so holographic that you dnt even feel the need of having this job in real because u feel u already have it. and once the neurons of your brain register the information that u already have this job the universe starts plotting to make ur deepset wish true u are suddenly inspired to take an action like maybe calling a freind u never called in years or maybe taking a different route to home that day or anything and u will finally stumble upon that opportunity or person that will push u like a rocket towards your dream job.
So in a nutshell
Keep visualising for several times in the day that you are already working in that comapany enjoying your tea breaks giving your best performance and are getting appreciated for each and every thing you do.everyone around u just loves to have u around them you share an amzing chemistry in your office and then feel the feelings of that happiness and thank god for granting you this complete happiness in this moment .Trust me this experience with practice becomes so holographic that you dnt even feel the need of having this job in real because u feel u already have it. and once the neurons of your brain register the information that u already have this job the universe starts plotting to make ur deepset wish true u are suddenly inspired to take an action like maybe calling a freind u never called in years or maybe taking a different route to home that day or anything and u will finally stumble upon that opportunity or person that will push u like a rocket towards your dream job.
So in a nutshell
1 identify ur natural bliss
2 find out ways of doing it and getting to it
3 visualise
4 give gratitude
5 have faith because if u have asked u will recieve
i will come up with more on this topic later and also guide u on how to identify your natural talent till then enjoy reading
i will come up with more on this topic later and also guide u on how to identify your natural talent till then enjoy reading
love and blessings
all are one[:)]