Next day i woke up to the sound of a chirping bird , the freshness in the air was so crisp as if the world started just today , i literally woke up to a new me...
the serenity on my face
the peace in my mind
and the activeness in my body ...
as if the whole universe is one with me...for the first time in my life i could see everything to be so alive
the trees, the air, the sound of daily hullabaloo....
as if i was in a new world in a new body.....i woke up with the feeling that today the universe is conspiring to do me good and only the highest good....yes my question was still unanswered...
but i was not concerned anymore because the very experience of being alive literally numbed my senses to an alien level of awareness......the day moved as usual with no special worldly circumstances to make me happy ...yet now i dint need the outward experience to feel the inner bliss .....
because i realized that the outer experience is not required experiencing the inner bliss
and if outer experience is required then inner bliss is not possible......
i suddenly felt as if i had just stepped out of a vicious cycle of thought action and experience.....
just another day for the world ....i got ready and left for my class.....only to experience a deepened sense of poise.....the best thing of being one with the universe is that u stop thinking about the yesterday and tomorrow ...all that matters to u ...shrinks into the now...n that's what i was doing enjoying the bliss of my now...i could feel my concentration enhanced to its greatest extent...everything ..all the complicated techniques and procedures were just getting absorbed in the right places in my mind...
class got over and i got an instinct to explore the Alpha Irla market (in Mumbai)...i had no specific work but just cudnt stop myself from listening to the the voice inside my head.....
I got down from the auto rickshaw....just to get noticed by a fruit seller an old man in his 60's selling jaamun (black berries or jambool)....i cudnt stop myself but buy the fruit.... after all it also appeared from the garden of eden...lol...i gave him a fifty rupee note...but he dint have the change so he asked me to come with him to the book store behind his stall and see if we cud get the change from the man at the store.....we managed to get the change .....the fruit seller left the shop delighted at his bonny(first income of the day)...
i thought of browsing through the book store....my attention was suddenly drawn towards the 60%off sale section and i headed straight to the stall and the first thing i notice was a book named
i found the title quite amusing picked up the book and read the first few lines....."In the spring of 1992--it was around Easter as i recall--an extraordinary phenomenon occurred in my life.God began talking with you.Through me."......
i froze for a second......finally recovered bought the book and rushed back home....
changed and started reading....and i read and read and read.......
only to be enthralled by every word i proceeded to... and had a feeling... as if the book was written just for me...after all its said..."when the student is ready the teacher will appear"......i started getting the broken links behind everything in the universe....the picture started to clear up the puzzle getting solved with every page i read on .....adding a new dimension to my life......
and finally i got the long awaited answer to the question ....what was god thinking when he put us into this world..what was the purpose of the cycle of birth and death...good and bad.....and the answer was so complicatedly simple......
we are gods.....just that we have forgotten who we are...we were made in the likeness of god....we are the observer not the observation.....we have the power to create our own life ......exactly..precisely the life we want whether we create it consciously or unconsciously.....coz
"we are the creators of our own universe as we go along"-winston churchill.
we were sent into this relative world of good and bad , love and fear, truth and false.....so that we could make the highest choice and experience our highest potential which was possible only in the relative realm and not the absolute world of pure bliss....
so our purpose on earth is god's purpose on earth...god experiences his potential through us.....and ultimately everything in his plan is perfect because the end is assured and that leads to him.......
i am not as great writer an orator ...so maybe i wasn't able to convey my thoughts with clarity to you...but if anything in this article amuses you even for a millisecond.....do read the book
i can guarantee it will change your life your perception and even your dimensions forever.....
with all my love.....
you can download the ebook from--http://www.mininova.org/search/?search=conversations+with+god&cat=0
HAPPY READING......................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the serenity on my face
the peace in my mind
and the activeness in my body ...
as if the whole universe is one with me...for the first time in my life i could see everything to be so alive
the trees, the air, the sound of daily hullabaloo....
as if i was in a new world in a new body.....i woke up with the feeling that today the universe is conspiring to do me good and only the highest good....yes my question was still unanswered...
but i was not concerned anymore because the very experience of being alive literally numbed my senses to an alien level of awareness......the day moved as usual with no special worldly circumstances to make me happy ...yet now i dint need the outward experience to feel the inner bliss .....
because i realized that the outer experience is not required experiencing the inner bliss
and if outer experience is required then inner bliss is not possible......
i suddenly felt as if i had just stepped out of a vicious cycle of thought action and experience.....
just another day for the world ....i got ready and left for my class.....only to experience a deepened sense of poise.....the best thing of being one with the universe is that u stop thinking about the yesterday and tomorrow ...all that matters to u ...shrinks into the now...n that's what i was doing enjoying the bliss of my now...i could feel my concentration enhanced to its greatest extent...everything ..all the complicated techniques and procedures were just getting absorbed in the right places in my mind...
class got over and i got an instinct to explore the Alpha Irla market (in Mumbai)...i had no specific work but just cudnt stop myself from listening to the the voice inside my head.....
I got down from the auto rickshaw....just to get noticed by a fruit seller an old man in his 60's selling jaamun (black berries or jambool)....i cudnt stop myself but buy the fruit.... after all it also appeared from the garden of eden...lol...i gave him a fifty rupee note...but he dint have the change so he asked me to come with him to the book store behind his stall and see if we cud get the change from the man at the store.....we managed to get the change .....the fruit seller left the shop delighted at his bonny(first income of the day)...
i thought of browsing through the book store....my attention was suddenly drawn towards the 60%off sale section and i headed straight to the stall and the first thing i notice was a book named
i found the title quite amusing picked up the book and read the first few lines....."In the spring of 1992--it was around Easter as i recall--an extraordinary phenomenon occurred in my life.God began talking with you.Through me."......
i froze for a second......finally recovered bought the book and rushed back home....
changed and started reading....and i read and read and read.......
only to be enthralled by every word i proceeded to... and had a feeling... as if the book was written just for me...after all its said..."when the student is ready the teacher will appear"......i started getting the broken links behind everything in the universe....the picture started to clear up the puzzle getting solved with every page i read on .....adding a new dimension to my life......
and finally i got the long awaited answer to the question ....what was god thinking when he put us into this world..what was the purpose of the cycle of birth and death...good and bad.....and the answer was so complicatedly simple......
we are gods.....just that we have forgotten who we are...we were made in the likeness of god....we are the observer not the observation.....we have the power to create our own life ......exactly..precisely the life we want whether we create it consciously or unconsciously.....coz
"we are the creators of our own universe as we go along"-winston churchill.
we were sent into this relative world of good and bad , love and fear, truth and false.....so that we could make the highest choice and experience our highest potential which was possible only in the relative realm and not the absolute world of pure bliss....
so our purpose on earth is god's purpose on earth...god experiences his potential through us.....and ultimately everything in his plan is perfect because the end is assured and that leads to him.......
i am not as great writer an orator ...so maybe i wasn't able to convey my thoughts with clarity to you...but if anything in this article amuses you even for a millisecond.....do read the book
i can guarantee it will change your life your perception and even your dimensions forever.....
with all my love.....
you can download the ebook from--http://www.mininova.org/search/?search=conversations+with+god&cat=0
HAPPY READING......................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi, i'm just a random blog person, i happened to stumble on your blog and i thought i would comment. I believe that we are made in God's image and we are his children. We are put on this earth to become like him. If we follow him and do as he asks we can become like him. I wonder if you have read the Book Of Mormon. I know most believe mormons are crazy and part of a cult but it simply isn't true. I dont want to get into a debate with you i just simply wanted to share where i found my anwsers, where i found my peace. There is a purpose to this life, there is a purpose to the pain and suffering in the world. God is a god of love and he still loves us. He wants us to have all that he has. If you are searching for anwsers I know where they are. Go to lds.org and you can get a book of mormon for free and any questions you have can be anwsered there. Sorry to blog randomly and i hope this doesn't offend you. Just thought i would share.
ReplyDeleteheyy thanx a ton christie...its wonderful to have visitors like u ...i wud love to hear more from u keep comming back...n even if we get into a debate why not ...i m ready to tred on any path that leads me to the truth...so will wait...n ya thnx for the book link will surely check it n get back to u'...
ReplyDeleteand i am pleased rather than offended so pl keep comming