for being too thin
or fat
or dark
or wearing braces
or not being fashionable.......its an endless list of judgements...
i remember one of my friend telling me that he was uncomfortable in being Friends with me coz i was too fat .......and i should probably loose weight because guys generally dont fall for fat girls......how groce and superficially hideous a thought is that......i simply answered ,"why should i loose weight ...so that a bunch of mass fed superficial losers could give me their attention and i could date their king"??????....dint seem like a great deal to me....huh!!!!!!!!
because we don't realise that we often miss on the best by being so superficially judgemental...
because we forget that gold and diamonds are hidden in deep layers of earth and coal......
we forget that Jesus Christ was born in a stable......
that lord Krishna was born in a prison....
and the most beautiful flower lotus blooms in a mucky pond......
because it indeed is true that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder...
but what if the vision of the beholder is blinded by trivial issues like
the appearance...
or the accent...
or the dressing style
or maybe the hair do.....
does it really matter that much....????
though i have noticed that mostly the people who judge others on their physical attributes rather than their inner self are the ones who are totally mass fed....like a flock of sheep.....mesmerised by the norms of the societies....bothering what the other will think if i do so, rather than doing what pleases them...these are generally the ones who ll always criticise you for doing anything that is unconventional....they will laugh at your failures and will be envious of your success.....
they will never look at you and smile first because deep inside they are insecure what if you dint smile back to them....
i still remember my little 4 year old niece being really great friends with my maid's daughter....and my aunt dint let her play with her anymore because she was a maid's daughter.............how hypocritical is that.......we fast at festivals ......make claims of being ourselves but when it actually comes to it ........we fail mammothly to listen to the real voice inside....
i wont elaborate more ......but will just say that the judgement call is ours......we have to learn to look beyond the outer experience....not only the ones who judge but even the ones who are being judged.
the victim should think twice before being offended and falling into self pity whether the remark is bigger than his/her own perception of self ?
and the victimiser should think whether dating a pretty face is as significant as dating a pretty soul???
i am not against being healthy and looking good ...infact body is the temple of the soul and as long as it is possessed by it....it should be taken good care of.....but my intention was to bring the attention of the victimisers towards the people who have no fault and contribution in the quality of whatever they are being judged for.....some might have been born with the abnormalities....
like hair loss at an early age due to some medical condition
or being overweight due to some deeper problem..
or a stammering speech because of some other health issue
its high time....!!!! we have to wake up and smell the cup of coffee....because all that matters is what we think we are..... after all our lives are but the product of our thoughts.....
and we have to be more responsible for what we think and judge people for......hope that would make you think!!!!!!!
signing off
love ya all
nice thought as always, well i guess logon ki soch kabhi badlne waali nahi hai.i'll caal it normal human tendency they'll like d golds n diomands but they'll never like d coal .bcoz they dont know wats hidden inside it .even sum knows dat dimonds come through coals but they 'll never look coal they'll wait 4 the dimonds to come outside from d coal.u know normal human tendency .n to add to ur ques ,like we all praises god bcoz we think he's d creature .people went crazy 4 god but they dont understand dat if god is so kind den why would he let this world to worst end.may b god is cruel .why dont we understand it . m not trying to say dat god is bad but it can b ..then also we praises him so madly ..why?
ReplyDeletethanx for coming back....though i still dnt see u in the follow list...lol...very practical facts anuj thanx yaar....n yes i know tumhe zada kitaabe padhna pasand nahi hai magar if u read my post no. 3....what was god thinking cont... mayb u ll get an answer to the question also if u want u can download the book...CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD..thnx a lot for ur comment keep comming back...dude
ReplyDeleteJudging .. if you think itz not what you are thn why even consider that as a judgment from someone...itz just their prospective..no one can judge you better than yourself and nobody should judge the other..on basis of any grounds actually physical or innerself...coz if tht happens u endup tryin to be someone else just to make sure their judgment is right and you endup confusing yourself... and about bein fat hahaha the one who says might endup with a big beer belly in a few years and you might endup havin a perfect body within no time..your appearence is the easist thing tht can change...just get a haircut done and your look changes..take off the moosh n u dont look the same anymore..bingo one should see the inner soul of the other, respect it but NOT JUDGE IT ...
ReplyDeleteyeah....u rock dude...u know ur my favourite visitor...hahaha
ReplyDeletewell i think that you do people have to judge making wrong assumptions .Y cant they just mind their own business and stop their never interfearing attitude.they do hundreds of mistakes and try to hide it with the longest drape and sheets of false words and lies, but when it comes to someone else they come with the ever complaining attitude portraying themselves to be the most purest and pios soul on this world.Awwwwfuuuulllll!!!!Ahhh anyways i thank you dear Isha to create this blog and took such a lively topic to share our views.Actually iam feeling very light hearted and relaxed after pouring my heart out through this excellent mode of communication.looking forward for some more lively views to share with you.Excellent dear!!thanks for giving us the opportunity to share our day to day feelings which we are bound to keep inside our heart BEING A SOCIAL ANIMAL.
ReplyDeletewow....thats fire....i luved ur comments akanksha...very natural....n ya i will keep creating more forums..keep coming back..thnx for visiting n taking out ur precious time to leave a comment...